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              SOFT FLOW


              SOFT FLOW

              纖雨 ---

              SOFT FLOW

              From the graceful design comes a touch of water most gentle.

              The precisely balanced streams of water from SOFT FLOW faucets touch the skin gently, causing almost no spatter as you wash your hands. The feeling is soft, lustrous and enriching. Sensor-operation eliminates the need for levers or buttons to touch.
              More than clean, beautiful
              SOFT FLOW's translucent streams of water are exquisitely beautiful to the eye.
              Splash-free handwashing
              Even as the water completely envelops the palms, there is little to no splatter of droplets.
              Hands-free operation
              SOFT FLOW has sensors both for opening and closing the spout and for switching between hot and cold water. Simply waving the hand over the sensor operates it.


              SOFT FLOW