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              EWATER+ for BOWL


              EWATER+ for BOWL

              EWATER+ ---

              EWATER+ for BOWL

              Electrolyzed water removes waste, even bacteria you can't see.

              EWATER+ is a type of antibacterial water that sanitizes the wand and toilet bowl where waste and bacteria tend to accumulate and produce stains that can become permanent. Using no chemicals or cleaning agents, EWATER+ provides peace of mind every day that microscopic bacteria has no place to hide.
              Survey: Study the effectiveness of EWATER+ by comparing the state of cleanliness of toilets that receive no cleaning versus toilets that are self-cleaned with EWATER+. No additional cleaning was allowed.
              Survey period: One month (Feb. - Mar. 2017).
              Subjects: Families of four.
              *Results vary according to usage and environmental conditions. All data collected by TOTO.

              How EWATER+ cleans

              What is EWATER+?

              Produced by electrolysis of the chloride ion in tap water, EWATER+ is a highly effective sanitizer. It is completely free of chemicals and cleaning agents. Over time EWATER+ returns to its original state of ordinary water, making it completely environmentally friendly.


              EWATER+ for BOWL