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              智炫 ---


              Photocatalytic glaze, the ultimate cleaning technology, has the natural power to decompose waste.

              ACTILIGHT elevates toilet cleaning to an extraordinary new dimension. Comprising a bacteria-neutralizing ultraviolet light and a titanium dioxide-fired toilet bowl, this extraordinary technology initiates a photocatalytic process that breaks down even microscopic waste particles.

              State-of-the-art materials

              Titanium dioxide attracts water to the surface of the toilet bowl, setting the stage for photocatalysis. The toilet bowl's photocatalytic glaze layer also contains zirconium oxide, which provides its extreme durability.

              Operates 24 hours a day to maintain hygienic conditions

              The photocatalytic process with UV light and titanium dioxide produces Activated Oxygen from the ambient oxygen and water molecules, which further breaks down organic waste and reduces the food source that microbes feed on.

